About this project
As of 2 June 2020, the Government of Indonesia has initiated the New Normal Life during Covid-19 pandemic in which that will bring about many changes in human health lifestyle. The initiation is addressed not only to implement healthy lifestyles but also to alleviate the disruption of economic sector. In partnership with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University), we develop a social enterprise by providing portable hand washer and hand-made natural soaps to prevent the spread of Covid-19 diseases. Targeted places for this enterprise are Bogor and Jepara Regency with involving more than 100 households, 25 local praying places, and 25 targeted schools. Key performance indicators that will be attained in this project is the development of a social enterprise and the production of portable hand washer and hand-made natural soaps. That enterprise set a target to engage local communities as the subject and object, who will manufacture and use portable hand washer and hand-made natural soaps, with the assistance of BPPT and IPB University. It means that some of employers are hired from local communities, and they are educated on how to create both hand washer and natural soaps. On other hand, other local communities are encouraged to utilize these products with pride.
Portable hand washer is made from simple instruments designed with mechanical engineering technology, and the manufacture will be assisted with BPPT. Different with home-made natural soaps, these soaps will be manufactured by using Indonesian natural ingredients, having high soap index and anti-bacterial/anti-viral properties, such as lerak nuts (soapberry) combined with betel leaves. Possible chemicals can be added as an additive of natural soaps. The beneficiaries of the products are local communities in both Jepara and Bogor Regency with specific targeted people, such as kids in schools, people in praying places, and households in villages. To create this enterprise sustainable in finance, the enterprise will benefit the profits and other financial support to circulate the business sustainably. In addition, with innovation and market targets (customer segmentation) that have been determined, this business is expected to independently working. Business model will be used as a guide as well in ensuring the sustainability of the enterprise.
Goals and Objectives
The objectives of this project is to help establish a social enterprise that provides portable hand washer and hand-made natural soaps; to educate Jepara and Bogor local communities within the implementation of the New Normal Life by implementing healthy lifestyle based WASH education; and to increase public awareness of local people in these regencies about the importance of the use of portable hand washer and hand-made natural soaps to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 disease. The goals of this project are 1) the establishment of a social enterprise based WASH education, 2) to produce two indispensable products from that enterprise, including 150 portable hand washers and 350 hand-made natural soaps, and 3) to give benefits of this project for about 200 households, 20 local praying places, and 20 targeted schools.
Expected result
Expected results of this project are as follows:
· development of an initial social enterprise (start-up business) that focuses on WASH lifestyle;
· local production of portable hand washers and hand-made natural soaps as much as 150 and 350, respectively;
· engagement of local communities (5-10 standing workers) in the establishment of that social enterprise, especially in employing them as a worker of that enterprise;
· dissemination of both portable hand washers and hand-made natural soaps to about 100 households, 25 local praying places, and 25 targeted schools;
· advancement of healthy lifestyle and increment of public awareness about the importance of WASH lifestyle during Covid-19 pandemic;
· creation of sustainable private-public partnership to maintain this enterprise of this project, and ensuring that this enterprise has sustainable value to be expanded in other regions.
Sustainable Development Goals
About me / organisation
This project will consist of Rima Shofyani; Alifta Farisa Zulfa ; Achmad Solikhin; Syifa Fatimah; and Mega Fitria
The contributors of this project consist of four sophisticated experts who have experiences on water and sanitation activities and project management. The contributors will work under the Indonesian Green Action Forum platform (IGAF) in collaboration with IPB University, BPPT, and Paguyuban Mas and Mbak Kabupaten Jepara. They have experienced to work with national and international platforms, such as UN agencies, Korea Water Forum, and Indonesian governmental bodies. Previously, they represented Indonesia to attend water-based conferences, such as World Water Forum, Korea International Water Week, Singapore International Water Week, and Asia International Water Week. They also organized some of side events with engaging young people around the world. Through these experiences, they are very deserving to handle water projects with engaging local communities.
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