About this project
Nangabo is a peri-urban area found in the outskirts of Kampala City, 18kms North –East where the safe water coverage in the entire Sub-county is 49% for a population of 146,400 people (Population and housing census 2014). A random water quality testing done in 2015 reveals high levels of coliform bacteria and turbidity. The survey also revealed that the hygiene/ sanitation conditions in households are far from satisfactory. This coupled with the lack of safe and cleans water, have led to high incidences of water borne/ hygiene related diseases like diarrhea imparting negatively the health status and productivity. Increased human activity has led to contamination and destruction of the water catchment areas thus affecting the supply of underground water and in some instances, especially after prolonged severe drought. Attempts to harvest rain water and use of boreholes are still limited as the infrastructure is constantly breaking down. The use of shallow wells is no longer acceptable because the communities are now living near the water sources which raise the risk of contamination .This means the residents have to walk long distances while fetching water leading to loss off productive time. Most times it is the women and children who fetch the water affecting their productivity and school time respectively. The baseline survey and interviews conducted by Nangabo Environmental Conservation and Economic Empowerment Association (NECEA) within the target community indicate that access to safe/clean water and proper sanitation is a priority. With the support of the development partners like SOGEA SATOM (U) and ADC (Austrian Development Cooperation), NECEA was able construct four spring water tanks in four villages. Land where the springs were constructed, was donated by the community giving them a sense of ownership for the project, Community members also contributed local items like stones and sand. The youth were actively involved in the construction and have now gained the necessary skills. Seedlings of indigenous trees and grass were planted around the water sources. A selection of hygiene items like; hand washing basins, jerry cans, soap were given out to community members and schools. A Water User Committee for each spring was formed to ensure sustainability of the project. The beneficiaries, especially women and children, were extremely grateful as they now don’t have to walk long distances to access clean water. This was further attested by the surging numbers of residents collecting water from the built spring water tanks. The local leaders reported improvement in the hygiene standard within the communities.
The spring selected for this project is in urgent need of intervention as it serves about 1100 residents and yet it is in a very appalling state. The owner of the land has given consent for the construction as well as the Local Councils.
Goals and Objectives
1. To provide safe and clean water to the community.
2. To improve the hygiene /sanitary conditions of the community awareness to curb the transmission of COVID-19.
3. To protect the catchment of water spring sources in the community.
4. To promote skills and livelihoods among the youth and the vulnerable members of the community.
Expected result
Improved access to safe/clean water from the spring water tank.
Reduced incidences of water borne diseases.
Increased awareness and appreciation of good hygiene practices/ personal health to curb the transmission of COVID-19.
Increased tree and grass coverage in the water catchment area and improved micro-climate.
Improved capacity for the management, maintenance of the water facility.
Increased capacity to monitor hygiene standards within the community.
Improved livelihood and food nutrition security through vegetable growing
Sustainable Development Goals
About me / organisation
Simon Peter Bayingana
Simon Peter Bayingana aged 25 years is the chairperson of Nalusuga Youth Local Council.Simon Peter the project head has exhibited great leadership skills, volunteerism and integrity in community service. He was also the Student Guild President at the University of Kisubi (2018-2019) during his undergraduate studies in Economics and Statistics which comprised of Project Planning and Management.