About this project
The city of Isfana, is located in the south of Kyrgyzstan in the Batken region. The number of young people living in the Batken region, aged 16 to 29 years, is 128,457 people. Based on the foregoing, young people in the Batken region are a significant segment of the population, which indicates the need for the implementation of a competent policy for their education, training and activisation at the local and national level. In the city of Isfana, rural people have urgent problems in the field of water resources, which require youth participation in resolution.
Batken oblast is the most arid region of Kyrgyzstan, there are problems with drinking water and water for irrigation of agricultural land. Clashes often occur on the border with Tajikistan due to lack of water (see https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37755985
and https://www.ucentralasia.org/Content/Downloads/MSRI-Research
In some villages of the Batken region there is no clean water, and there is no sewage in the entire region.
Every year, there are mudflows that bring enormous damage for households and livelihoods. ( https://24.kg/english/151759_Mudflow_hits_Isfana_town_several_houses_flooded/ ) and other natural disasters.
I would like to organize a youth summer camp related to water management and climate change adaptation in a context of global pandemic and health emergency.
"Ranger" - from english is a person entrusted with protecting and preserving the environment, forests.
Goals and Objectives
The project goal: Enhance diverse youth participation in water resources management through organization of summer camp “Green Rangers actions summer camp” in Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan borderline communities to achieve peaceful sharing of water among neighbors.
Objective 1. Organization of “Green Rangers actions summer camp” with participation of diverse youth from bordering communities of Batken oblast, Kyrgyz-Tajik borderlines. It is a large-scale youth event in Isfana, Batken Oblast, Kyrgyzstan, which brings together young people, in an informal setting, to discuss topical issues related to water resources management and adaptation to climate change. There will be special trainings on water resources management, adaptation of agriculture to climate change, hygiene and health.
For the first time, young people from the Batken region will have the opportunity to speak and be heard, to tell their experience, defeat and success. And also, there will be panel discussions with specially invited guests.
Camp is divided into four sections:
• Water and women’s health
• Water and resource-saving agriculture (Water and agriculture)
• Water-related risks
• Sharing water
We have 2 local partners NGOs to assist in implementation of the project. Public Foundation “Insan-Leilek” (leilek.kg, https://www.facebook.com/insan.leilek/ ) and Public Foundation “Central Asia Women For Peace ”(https://www.facebook.com/CentralAsiaWomenForPeace/ ), representatives of local government and Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources.
There will be 4 training sections of the camp:
• Water and women’s health
• Water and resource-saving agriculture (Water and agriculture)
• Water-related risks
• Sharing water
There will be workshops on making soap at home, reusable sanitary pads for girls, making drip irrigation for agriculture, etc. Will be applied STEM education.
We plan to develop together with young people an “early response system in natural disaster” which includes basic actions to be safe during cataclysms.
During the youth Camp, there will be introduction of documentaries and videos about water resources and problems, yoga, a photo exhibition, various contests, think-tanks, workshops on organizing community projects, volunteering, games such as Frisbee, Quiz-nights, etc.
Objective 2. Mobilization of local self-government bodies of kyrgyz Maksat and Aksay villages in Batken oblast bordering with Ovchu-Kalacha and Machaii tajik villages to enhance collaboration in development of water management plan for 2022-2024. We plan to conduct trainings on joint trans boundary water management, Administration Heads if local self-government both from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan sides will be invited to introduce young people participating in the camp to introduce their water management plan that will benefit both sides and bring peace in the border communities.
Expected result
1. We expect 60 Green Rangers (participants) who will be agents of change at the local level.
2. An early response system for natural disasterswill be developed and distributed on social networks (instagram, facebook, etc.), in local radio and TV.
3. 4 recommendations on improving water management in pilot communities will be developed.
4. Representatives of bordering communities of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan will be mobilized together with local youth to develop a Plan of water management on borderlines for 2022-2024 years.
Sustainable Development Goals

About me / organisation
Nursultan Karabaev
Karabaev Nusultan, was born and now lives in Batken region of Kyrgyzstan. Education: bachelors in agriculture, masters in geography and ecology. Nursultan is currently working in ecological projects implemented by leading ecological youth movement "Green Rangers are guarding the environment". He is an active blogger and opninon leader among youth of Batken. Co-author of the Book "Ecology of Bishkek, ways to improve the ecological situation". PhD student of the Kyrgyz National Agriculture University, research field Organic agriculture and water resources.