About this project
Namp lwe village is located on the east of Tachileik,eastern of shan state,Myanmar.Away nearly 20 miles from city of Tachileik and this village is near Thailand border and also near the Golden Triangle.Tachileik is 2200 feet above sea level.Namp lwe village is included Mine Pone(ka) village tract.The village has 45 households and total population is about 150 people.
Namp Lwe village got drinking water and water for domestic use from upside water spring.Because of sealevel,the ground water from well can not be obtained.So,the villagers use water from this spring with their own plan.There is no electric system in the village,so they also lack water supplying system. The suitable water supply system that the villagers requested was extracted with water pipe from upside water spring and placed water storage tanks in the center of Namp Lwe village.The water stored in water storage tanks is used mainly for drinking water.One storage tank is in the form of closed type and stored water for drinking.Another water storage tank is in the form of opened type to collect water from rainfall in the rainy season.Second tank stored water for numerous daily usage such as washing and cooking.
Goals and Objectives
Now,water in Namp Lwe village is got from upside hill and far a distance.The villagers do his/herself with their own Plan to get water.So,they do not get enough water for drink or personal use like bathing and washing.This may effects the personal hygiene.
There is a challenge of water supply system from uphill or far distance.Building water storage tanks is the best goal for this project.Mostly Pa Laung(Red),one of the ethnic group in Burmese,are mostly live in this village,After building water tanks,there is big positive effect to their economic of every households in Namp Lwe Village.After the end of the project,the villagers do not need to go a far distance for bringing water.
There is a potential for replication or scaling up in this region.Same as Namp Lwe,most the near villages lack water storage tanks and if existed one or two,there is no sufficient according to increasingly village population.So,not only Namp Lwe and other near villages need to build more water storage tanks.
Expected result
Clean and accessible water is critical to human health, a healthy environment, poverty reduction, a sustainable economy and peace and security. ‘Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’ is one of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (United Nations 2015).
Water Storage System with a water tank, the villagers can collect rainwater or water from water spring in the rainy season and store for reliable usage during the dry season. The villagers can use the water for multiple applications- consumption, sanitation and other domestic necessities.
Sustainable Development Goals

About me / organisation
Kyaw Myat Khine
Worked as GIS Intern in FREDA,Myanmar
Freelance Intern