About this project

This project aims to restore degraded mangrove ecosystems in a coastal community, addressing the pressing challenges of environmental degradation, declining livelihoods, and loss of biodiversity. The project tackles the problem of mangrove degradation caused by logging for timber and firewood, leading to reduced productivity as a fishing ground and impacting the economic status of the community.

The overall objectives of the project are to mobilize the community, develop a sustainable restoration plan, and raise awareness of the importance of mangroves. Activities include community engagement, mangrove planting, clean-up campaigns, and monitoring of ecosystem recovery. The project expects to achieve increased mangrove coverage, enhanced biodiversity, and improved economic well-being for the community.

Sustainability is ensured through the establishment of sustainable management practices and income-generating activities. The project engages local community members, community leaders, and relevant government departments as partners to foster ownership and long-term impact. Together, the project envisions a future where restored mangrove ecosystems contribute to sustainable coastal communities and the preservation of vital ecosystems creating an overall improved economic status of the communities that depend on the mangrove ecosystem.

Goals and Objectives

The overall goal is to restore degraded mangrove ecosystems in the community and surrounding areas.

Objectives are:

1. Mobilize community members to participate in the restoration effort by organizing awareness campaigns, workshops, and engaging local stakeholders.
2. Increase awareness and understanding of the importance of mangroves through educational programs, community outreach, and dissemination of information.
3. Develop and implement a comprehensive mangrove restoration plan, incorporating sustainable practices and involving the community in decision-making processes.
4. Monitor the progress of restoration activities, including mangrove growth, biodiversity recovery, and the socio-economic impact on the community.
5. Evaluate the long-term success of the restoration efforts by assessing ecological indicators, economic benefits, and community well-being.

The intended beneficiaries of the project are the local community living in the coastal area of Kilifi County. Specifically, the project focuses on empowering and benefiting the women who depend on the mangrove ecosystem for their livelihoods. By restoring the degraded mangrove ecosystems, the project aims to enhance fishing grounds, create opportunities for sustainable income generation through activities like beekeeping and ecotourism, and ultimately improve the economic status and overall well-being of the community.

To ensure the sustainability of the project's impacts after its completion, several strategies will be implemented. Firstly, the project will establish a sustainable mangrove restoration plan that includes long-term maintenance and management activities. This will ensure the continued growth and health of the mangrove ecosystems.

Secondly, the project aims to develop partnerships with local community leaders, members, and relevant government departments. By involving key stakeholders and building local capacity, there is potential for replication and scaling up of the project in other coastal communities facing similar challenges.

Furthermore, the project creates economic opportunities beyond the restoration activities, such as ecotourism and sustainable harvesting of timber. These additional revenue streams have the potential to provide ongoing financial support for the community and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the project's impacts.

By fostering awareness and understanding among the community and empowering them to take ownership of the project, there is a higher likelihood of sustaining the positive outcomes achieved in terms of environmental conservation, economic empowerment, and community well-being.

Expected result

1. Increased mangrove coverage: The project aims to achieve a 20% increase in mangrove coverage in the target areas within five years, as measured through satellite imagery and on-ground assessments.
2. Enhanced biodiversity: The restoration efforts are expected to lead to the recovery of biodiversity in the mangrove ecosystems. The project targets a 30% increase in species richness and abundance of key indicator species within three years, as assessed through ecological surveys.
3. Improved economic status: The project aims to improve the economic status of the local community by creating sustainable livelihood opportunities. This will be measured by a 25% increase in household income generated from activities such as sustainable fishing, beekeeping, and ecotourism within four years, based on income surveys and financial records.
4. Increased awareness and understanding: The project seeks to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of mangroves among the local community and relevant stakeholders. This will be evaluated through pre- and post-project surveys, aiming for a 40% increase in knowledge and awareness of mangrove ecosystems and their benefits within two years.
5. Community engagement and participation: The project aims to mobilize and actively involve community members, particularly youth, in restoration activities. The target is to have at least 80% of the target community actively participating in restoration efforts, as measured through participation records and community surveys.
6. Sustainable management practices: The project aims to establish sustainable management practices for the restored mangrove ecosystems. This includes the adoption of sustainable harvesting techniques, effective waste management, and the implementation of local bylaws for mangrove conservation. The successful implementation of these practices will be monitored through compliance assessments and stakeholder interviews.
7. Long-term sustainability: The project will develop a post-project sustainability plan, including the establishment of a community-led committee responsible for the continued monitoring and maintenance of the restored mangrove ecosystems. The plan will be in place and actively functioning by the end of the project, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the achieved results.

Sustainable Development Goals
13. Climate action
About me / organisation
Emma Kariuki

Emma Kariuki is a dedicated and passionate project leader at the LEAF Charity Foundation. As a 24-year-old youth leader, she brings energy, enthusiasm, and a deep commitment to environmental conservation and community development. With a strong background in youth leadership and a genuine concern for the preservation of biodiversity, she is well-suited to lead the project aiming to restore degraded mangrove ecosystems.

Her role as a project leader involves coordinating and overseeing all aspects of the project, including planning, implementation, and monitoring. With her strong organizational and communication skills, she effectively mobilizes community members, engages stakeholders, and fosters collaboration among team members and partners. She is adept at inspiring and motivating young people, driving them to take concrete actions aligned with sustainable development goals.

Her leadership style is inclusive, empowering, and participatory, ensuring that the voices and perspectives of the community are heard and integrated into decision-making processes. Through her commitment to environmental conservation and community well-being, she is driving positive change and creating a lasting impact on the restoration of mangrove ecosystems and the economic empowerment of the local community.

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