About this project

#TonFuturTonClimat - Burkina Faso is a project supported by a youth association that aims to optimize agriculture water use with renewable energy in the cities of Samba, Ziniaré, Koubri, Komki-Ipala  and Ouagadougou. A solar-powered drip system to irrigate the land used for market gardening production will be constructed.

Goals and Objectives

Overall objective: to increase  young people's resilience in rural areas in the face of climate change by using energy and water-saving technology in order to improve employability in the agricultural sector.


Specific objectives:

- To identify a group or a youth association from a neighbouring rural town of Ouagadougou;

- To implement the solar-powered drip system;

- To enhance the beneficiaries' skills in order to use correctly the drip system and to maintain correctly the equipment;

- To develop tools in order to ensure the sustainable development in a participative way.

Expected result

- A group or a youth association will benefit from the project #TonFuturTonClimat;

- The solar-powered drip system is set up for the benefit of the group;

- The skills of at least 25 young people will be enhanced thanks to the development of  new facilities with compost production and other innovative techniques;

-  The communication can be effectively ensured and knowledge is developed from the project's experiences in order to strengthen young people's participation in the country's development process;

- The project coordination is carried out efficiently.

Sustainable Development Goals
06. Clean water and sanitation 07. Affordable and clean energy 13. Climate action
About me / organisation
Hie Batchene

Hie Batchene